Warranties and Returns

In accordance with Decree-Law No. 143/2001, Articles 6 and 8, returns may be made in accordance with the following clauses:

Article 6 – Right of Free Termination

1 – In distance contracts, the consumer has a minimum period of 14 days to terminate the contract without payment of compensation and without the need to indicate the reason.
2 – For the exercise of this right, the period shall run:
a) With regard to the supply of goods, from the day on which they are received by the consumer, provided that the obligations referred to in article 5 have been complied with;
b) With regard to the provision of services, from the day on which the contract is concluded or from the day on which the obligations referred to in article 5 have been fulfilled if this happens after that conclusion, provided that the period of three months referred to in the following number;
c) If the supplier has not fulfilled the obligations referred to in article 5, the period referred to in paragraph 1 shall be three months from the date on which the goods are received by the consumer or, in the case of services, from the date of conclusion of the contract;
d) If the supplier fulfills the obligations referred to in article 5 during the termination period referred to in the previous number and before the consumer has exercised that right, he has 14 days to terminate the contract from the date of reception of this information.
3 – If the supplier has not complied with the obligations referred to in article 5, the period referred to in paragraph 1 is three months from the date of receipt of the goods by the consumer or, in the case of services, the date of conclusion of the contract.
4 – If the supplier fulfills the obligations referred to in article 5, during the termination period referred to in the previous number and before the consumer has exercised that right, he has 14 days to terminate the contract from receipt of this information.
5 – Without prejudice to the provisions of subparagraph a) of paragraph 3 of the previous article, the right of withdrawal is deemed to have been exercised by the consumer through the dispatch, within the time limits set forth herein, of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt communicating to the other contracting party or to the designated person the will to terminate the contract.

Article 8 - Effects of Resolution

1 – When the right of free withdrawal has been exercised by the consumer, under the terms of article 6, the supplier is obliged to reimburse, within a maximum period of 30 days, the amounts paid by the consumer, without any expenses for the latter, except for any direct expenses resulting from the return of the good when not claimed by the consumer.
2 – In the event of termination, the consumer must keep the goods in such a way as to be able to return them, to the supplier or to the person designated for that purpose in the contract, in proper conditions of use, within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt. .
3 – Whenever the price of the good or service is totally or partially covered by a credit granted by the supplier or by a third party based on an agreement concluded between the latter and the supplier, the credit agreement is automatically and simultaneously considered terminated, without right compensation, if the consumer exercises his right of free withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of article 6, paragraph 1.

Fundada em 1971 em Lisboa, Portugal, a Natiris surgiu sob a expertise da Seed Beauty®. Comprometida com práticas éticas e acessíveis, aderimos firmemente aos padrões sem crueldade. Nossa abordagem envolve técnicas de teste avançadas e humanas que respeitam o bem-estar animal, enquanto garantimos meticulosamente a segurança e a qualidade dos nossos produtos.



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