Weight loss: the 10 habits to adopt for weight loss success


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To lose weight not only due to genetic inheritance, or luck. In order to succeed in reducing your weight, you must take healthy habits. With this in mind, we developed a set of 10 best practices what you should include in its day-to-day to lose weight without sacrifice.


1. Keep a regimen of daily meals with the food you like

Every day, choosing healthy foods of their choice to be included in the four meals a day) breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner). You should not eat the same food, keep the layout of the 4 meals in a day, but it will vary with the menu. All that is stale, it becomes boring, in which case, we don't want in your diet from becoming boring and hard to maintain.

If you are having difficulty in creating a diet planthe beginning of a weekly schedule it is already established, and to adapt it to their needs and preferences.


2. Make for the breakfast

To to lose weight and to maintain weight, the first thing you do when you lift it to take breakfast. Making breakfast on a regular basis, you have a higher the intake of vitamins and minerals, which in turn can reduce the hunger and the likelihood of making over-eating throughout the day.


3. Drink water regularly

Ingestion water and the other type is a vital in any weight loss program. The water keeps the body working at homeostasis and it helps in many functions of the organism. However, you should avoid the consumption of carbonated soft drinks, Iced teas, or other sweetened drinks.

If you have any difficulties to drink water, and try to aromatizá it with fruit or herbs of your choice.


4. Eat often and in small amounts

If you spend more than 3 hours without eating, and the levels of the stress hormone, cortisolincrease. When this happens, your body gets the store fat in the zone abdomen. Eat small meals several times a day, it reduces the levels of cortisol, which helps both men and women. to decrease the fat abdomen.


5. To give priority to the intake of whole grain foods

To prioritize the intake of food full and it's not processed (fruit, vegetable, seeds, etc.). Whole foods are foods low in density, it will take up a lot of space in the stomach, because they contain lots of fiber that satisfy your hunger. They have the advantage of being low-calorie.

The food is of a very high density, such as butter, oils, sweets or lollies, is the exact opposite. Not to be saciáveis, you will end up eating a large quantity.

Eat mostly whole foods, this is the easiest way to to lose weightwithout hunger or deprivation of food.


6. Get to know the foods

To know the amounts of the calories, protein, carbohydrates and fatty acids what is the food you eat is important. Acquiring this capability, it's much easier to do than it seems.

When you read the labels for each item, carefully, he learns a great deal about the composition of the product. There are even apps for your phone, and the web sites which have this information available, free of charge, and it will make it easier to read and a glimpse of the information that is contained on the label.


7. Include your favorite food in ways that make sense

If this is something that is not in the category of “healthy”, but like it a lot, and then enjoy for a little while. If you eliminate all of the foods you love it, it's just going to build a disappointment, and it is going to interfere with the success of your weight loss. Allow yourself to enjoy these foods once in a while. In this way, you can also avoid eating large amounts of this favorite dish.


8. Don't have a food “addictive” home

If you don't have food at home, you do not eat them. It is very simple to do. Do not, therefore, feel that the food calorie, nutrient-poor (biscuits, chips, chocolates, ice-creams and soft drinks, etc.). not able to resist the temptation.


9. Don't go in the kitchen after dinner

Dinner should be done at a time which makes it impossible for new arrivals to the kitchen for a snack before going to bed. Don't you want to be with in the sense of on an empty stomach. It is, therefore, important to set the time for the dinner, so it does not feel hungry till the time of going to bed. In this way, you will also need a night is a more quiet,.


10. To maintain the focus is also on the restaurants

To lose weight eating outside the home, it is also possible to simply maintain the focus. When you select a meal if you feel it necessary to ask some of the changes, for in the preparation of the dish. For example, if the dressing, or for the follow-up it is the more high-fat, to ask for change for a healthier option and less calories.


It is only a 10 of good practices, but trust me it makes all the difference. Include them in your day-to-day basis and you will see the the scale go down. In addition to that, you lose weight wins health care. It will make you feel better because you learn healthy habits and are highly beneficial for your body. In the beginning, it can seem complicated, but with these good habits, and they will be natural, regular and without any effort,.

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